Backwoods cigars are rustic looking cigars made from natural tobacco products without homogenized ingredients. Backwoods are mild but flavorful cigars that are great for outdoor activities. They also have a pleasant aroma. HThese special Backwoods blunts are made in the Dominican Republic. The Backwoods Banana is known from many rap stars who smoke these blunts. Some like the Backwood as a cigar, some like the Backwoods as a blunt. These filled cigars can easily be rolled out or unscrewed to make a blunt.
This strain is mildly fruity and refreshing and when smoked you can smell a pleasant banana flavor.
One pack contains 5 Backwoods cigars. One box contains 8 packs, each containing 5 Backwoods Cigars.
Backwoods Banana
The properties of the Blunts Backwoods Banana
- The taste of the Backwoods Banana variety is refreshing and mildly fruity
- The length of a Backwoods Banana cigar is approx. 115 mm
- The diameter of a Backwoods Banana cigar is approx. 13 mm
- One pack contains 5 pieces in a Freshen Pack so that you don't dry out. This effect can be enhanced with humidors.
- The Backwoods Cigars are produced in the Dominican Republic and shipped to the USA. The backwoods come to Switzerland from the United States.
- Stayhigh GmbH is the importer of this product in Switzerland.
- Backwoods Banana is not available in the EU, but can be ordered from Stayhigh Swiss.
- The Backwoods Banana are made from natural tobacco and a tobacco leaf.