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Budz Blueberry - Greenhouse 10g

Budz Blueberry impresses with its best fruity taste, compact and firm flowers and a first-class price/performance ratio.

Grown, processed and packaged in Switzerland. First-class quality product Made in Switzerland.

If you are looking for the finest sweet and fruity CBD flowers, which also offer by far the best price/performance ratio, then Budz Blueberry is the perfect choice.

Swiss grass of the highest quality, grown and processed with heart and know-how!

The product contains less than 1% THC and is therefore legal and can be consumed without any psychoactive effects.

Budz Blueberry does not contain any tobacco, which means there is no nicotine exposure - 0% nicotine, but 100% enjoyment!

Budz Blueberry - Greenhouse 10g

SKU: BUDZ454541
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