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What does 420 mean? Background, history and symbolism explained

What does 420 mean

420 – a number that means more to many than just a time indication. But what is really behind this mysterious code? Originally coined in the 1970s by a group of Californian students, 420 has developed into a global symbol.

The number 420 is now inextricably linked to cannabis culture. Every year on April 20 (4/20 in the American date format), people around the world gather to celebrate the herb and demonstrate for its legalization. But the history behind 420 is as fascinating as it is varied.

Key messages

- 420 is a globally recognized symbol of cannabis culture and was created in the 1970s by a group of Californian students who met daily at 4:20 p.m. to consume cannabis.

- April 20th (4/20 in American date format) is an important day for the cannabis community, with events taking place around the world to celebrate consumption and call for the legalization of cannabis.

- The term "420 Friendly" signals tolerance and acceptance of cannabis use and is often used in social media, apartment listings, and dating websites.

- Myths surrounding 420, such as believing it is a police code for cannabis offenses or that it refers to the number of chemicals in cannabis, are common but false.

- Pop culture has played a major role in the spread of 420, with numerous references in films, series and by prominent artists portraying cannabis culture in a positive light.

- 420 is not just a time of day, it has become a cultural code and community symbol that connects people around the world and advocates for the legalization of cannabis.

What does 420 mean?

The term 420 has deeper meanings that go beyond a simple time reference. At the core is its strong connection to cannabis culture.

The number 420 explains

420 originally stands for a time, 4:20 p.m. to be precise, when a group of Californian schoolchildren met in the 1970s to consume cannabis together. This tradition became well-known and widespread. Over the years, 420 developed into a code for smoking cannabis. Especially on April 20, the so-called "Weed Day", enthusiasts around the world celebrate cannabis culture and campaign for its legalization.

What does 420 Friendly stand for?

"420 Friendly" is a term commonly used in social media, apartment listings, and dating websites to signal that a person, place, or activity accepts or supports smoking cannabis. Examples include apartment listings that say "420 Friendly" to let potential renters know that smoking cannabis is allowed. This term is also used in personal profiles to signal tolerance to cannabis.

Origin and origin of the 420

420 What does that mean

The number 420 has an interesting history that is closely linked to cannabis culture. This section will explore the origins and spread of this number.

The Legend of the Waldos

In the 1970s, a group of high school students from San Rafael, California, coined the number 420. These students, known as the "Waldos," met every day at 4:20 p.m. and used "420" as a code to consume cannabis together. This time eventually became a symbol for cannabis consumption and quickly spread throughout hippie culture and beyond.

The number code 420: origin and distribution

The 420 code spread thanks to its popularity in high school subculture. The Waldos told friends about the code, which was quickly adopted by other students and eventually the local community. Legend has it that the Grateful Dead, a well-known rock band also from San Rafael, helped popularize the code more widely. Followers of the band spread the term worldwide, leading to 420's international fame.

Today, the number 420 symbolizes not only a time of day, but also a day. April 20 (4/20 in the American date format) is an international holiday for the cannabis community. People around the world gather on this day to celebrate the consumption of cannabis and demonstrate for its legalization.

Meaning and Cultural Relevance

The number 420 has a deep meaning within cannabis culture. People around the world celebrate 420 Day on April 20 (4/20 in American date format) as a symbol of unity and protest.

The 420 Day: What, When and How?

420 Day is celebrated annually on April 20th. It serves as an unofficial holiday for the cannabis community, where people come together to consume cannabis and protest for its legalization. Events take place in cities and towns around the world; from festivals to peaceful protests, there are numerous forms of expression and community building.

420 in Pop Culture and Media

420 has become deeply integrated into pop culture and media. Films, series and music often reference the number in a positive context of cannabis culture. Examples include films such as "Half Baked" and "Pineapple Express", which deal with the topic of cannabis in a humorous way. Musicians such as Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson are also well-known representatives of this culture and contribute to the popularity of the 420 term. On social media, the hashtag #420 is used millions of times as users share their support for legalization and awareness about cannabis.

Myths and Facts About 420

The number 420 is not only a symbol of cannabis culture, but also the subject of many myths and fascinating stories.

Common misconceptions and truths

Misconceptions often shape the perception of 420. A common myth is that 420 is a police code for cannabis offenses. This assumption is false. The code originated with a group of Californian high school students called "Waldos" who met to consume cannabis at 4:20 p.m. in 1971.

Likewise, some believe 420 refers to the number of chemicals in cannabis. In fact, cannabis contains over 500 known chemical compounds, including cannabinoids and terpenes.

Another myth concerns Bob Dylan. Some people believe that the song "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" refers to 420, since 12 multiplied by 35 equals 420. There is no evidence to support this. Numerology and myth often merge here, but evidence-based facts are clearer.

Fun facts and interesting stories

There are many interesting stories surrounding 420. For example, the band Grateful Dead contributed greatly to the spread of the code by maintaining close ties with the "Waldos." This connection popularized the term in hippie culture and beyond.

Fun fact: The Waldo's Flyer, a pamphlet distributed by the original creators, was instrumental in spreading the term. The meeting places and times it contained quickly made 420 a secret buzzword among cannabis enthusiasts.

420 is also deeply embedded in pop culture. Movies like "Half Baked" and "Pineapple Express" and artists like Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson often mention 420, making the term known worldwide.

420 Meaning


420 is much more than just a number or a time. It represents a global movement and a symbol of cannabis culture. April 20 is celebrated worldwide as Cannabis Community Day, when people come together to share their passion and advocate for legalization.

The origins of 420 are closely linked to the "Waldos" and the Californian hippie culture of the 1970s. Thanks to the Grateful Dead and pop culture, 420 has become an international phenomenon. Myths and misconceptions surrounding the number only add to the fascination.

With its deep embedment in pop culture and media, 420 remains a significant symbol. Movies, musicians, and the cannabis community worldwide contribute to the continued popularity and significance of 420.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does 420 mean?

420 is a code used in cannabis culture to refer to the consumption of marijuana. It originated in the 1970s by a group of Californian high school students called "The Waldos."

Why is April 20th celebrated as 420 Day?

April 20th (4/20 in American date format) is celebrated as 420 Day because the number 420 is associated with cannabis culture around the world. On this day, people gather to consume cannabis and demonstrate for its legalization.

Where does the term 420 come from?

The term 420 comes from a group of students at San Rafael High School in California who met at 4:20 p.m. in the 1970s to smoke marijuana together. The group called themselves "The Waldos."

What does “420 friendly” mean?

“420 friendly” means that a person is open to the use of marijuana or at least tolerates others around them using cannabis.

Is 420 a police code for cannabis offenses?

No, this is a common misconception. 420 has no connection to any police code. The term was originally coined by the school group "The Waldos."

What role did the band Grateful Dead play in popularizing the term 420?

The band Grateful Dead helped popularize the term 420 in hippie and cannabis culture. The band's proximity to the California area and the "Waldos" helped popularize the code.

How is 420 used in pop culture?

420 is often referenced in pop culture as a positive symbol for cannabis use, with films like "Half Baked" and artists like Snoop Dogg helping to popularize the term in the public eye.

Are there any myths about 420?

Yes, there are many myths surrounding 420, such as that it is a police code or that 420 represents the number of active chemicals in cannabis. However, these myths are false.

What are “The Waldos”?

“The Waldos” is the name given to the group of students who coined the code 420. They met regularly at 4:20 p.m. to consume marijuana.

What is the significance of the Waldos flyer?

The Waldos Flyer played a central role in spreading the term 420. It documented the meetings and helped to popularize the code among cannabis enthusiasts.


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