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Yerba Mate (Mate Tee)

What is mate?

The mate shrub (Ilex paraguariensis), also known as the mate tree, is a species of plant from the genus Ilex paraguariensis.

Holly (Ilex). It is common in South America and is called yerba or yerba mate there. The infusion of mate tea made from the cut dry leaves is

traditionally drunk in South America. The fresh leaves contain about 0.4 to

1.6 % caffeine (whereas coffee beans contain 0.8 to 1.4 % caffeine) and 0.3 to 0.45 % theobromine, traces of theophylline as well as caffeoylquinic acids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins.

Mate History:

Mate tea drink is a hot drink that has been drunk for 1000 years. Especially in South American countries, it is still part of the culture.

Through travellers from Syria and Lebanon, it has also spread to the Arabic regions of Southwest Asia over the last 50 years.

Mate is actually the name of the cup from which hot yerba tea is drunk. For this pleasure, you also need a drinking tube called a bombilla. The bombilla is a kind of filter that only lets the water through when drinking.

What do you need to drink yerba mate?


  1. Fill 2/3 of the mate cup with yerba tea.

  2. Pour in boiled water between 80-100 degrees.

  3. For the first course, wait 5min before drinking due to the heat.

  4. If desired, simply sprinkle sugar on the surface (do not mix!).

  5. You can taste the mate up to 5-8 times.


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